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Use of Printf In C

We use printf in our programs to display information on the screen. The stuff that you write
inside the double quotes will appear on the screen, with some exceptions: a %d will be replaced
by an integer, a %c will be replaced by a character, a %f will be replaced by a float. Here are some
more examples of printf statements, and the output they will produce:.

One last note about printf::
Make sure you use the right format specifier or placeholder [%d
for int, %c for char, %f for float] in your printf statements! Weird things will happen if you


int main()
printf(“int %d float %f char %c” ,10, 25.5, ’*’);
printf(“Student percentage is %f and grade is %c”, 90.5, ’A’);
printf(“Student percentage is %.2f and grade is %c”, 70.5, ’C’);
return 0;
/* notice the output */



printf("Hello World");

/* Includes library file “stdio.h” */ 
int main() /* Our main function, the starting point of our program! */ 
printf("Hello, World!!!"); /* displays Hello, World!!! “ */ 
return 0; 



 int main()
printf(“Hello, World!!!”);
printf(“Hello, World!!!”);

/* notice the output */



 int main ()
 printf("Hello \n");
 printf("Hello\b \n");
 printf("Hello\b\b \n");
 printf("Hello\b\b\b \n");
 printf("Hello\b\b\b\b \n");
 return 0; 
/* notice the output */
